Athreya Research Foundation is a non profitable charitable trust established in 2007 by a group of people with the intention of expanding the scientific research in the field of Ayurveda and to spread the light of hope to people suffering from critically ill alinments through the wisdom of the age old science of ayurveda in conglomeration with other conventional medical sciences.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. (quoted by Albert Einstein)
The foundation has an abode of herbal garden interwoven with natural beauty in Thiruvilwamala in Thrissur district. The name " Thapovanam" rightly justifies the natural beauty of the place. Adjoining Thapovanam, an ayurvedic hospital 'Athreyam' was also established with a vision to shed the light of hope to many suffering people.
In addition Athreyam has an out patient division and pharmacy at Nochima, Aluva.
Athreyam gives importance to holistic healing by the apt modification of one's lifestyle and food habits.
When father of Modern Medicine Hippocrates told ' food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food' it implies nothing other than what was written in our age old books of Ayurveda.
"When diet is wrong medicine is of no use.
When diet is correct medicine is of no need."
As a first step towards this journey, Athreyam division at Aluva has organic farming, which yields high quality vegetables and milk. The collaborations with highly experienced and eminent scientists from International and National organizations/ institutes like BGCI, JNTBGRI, CUSAT, BHU, SBTI etc. helped the Research foundation to spread out its wings to a wider world of vision.
Currently Athreyam is focusing its treatment based on pharmacogenomics in the context of Ayurvedic medicines and hence personalized attention towards illness is the prime focus.
Hence, the expertise of highly qualified physicians and consultants are available on demand for customized services.
For details please contact:
Athreya Research Foundation
Ushus, NAD P O
Nochima, Aluva, Ernakulam
Mob: +91 9446217069
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